A WAR that is based on LIES is the WAR without End!
Syarif Hidatat
Peace be upon you all!:
I am in favour of Peace, Justice, Freedom, Love and Friendship!: I am against war because war is suicide and unrealistic option for all people on this planet, except War of Independence and War to defend the National Sovereignty. PEACE with JUSTICE is the only way to make this world a better place for all people to live i...n HARMONY and become PROSPEROUS!
War is an obsolete way. The reasons for going to wars mentioned by Governments especially in the imperialist, the Zionist and the colonialist countries are mostly LIES. They lied to their own citizens!
is nothing new in a government lying to their people to start a war. Indeed because
most people prefer living in peace to bloody and horrific death in war, any
government that desires to initiate a war usually lies to their people to
create the illusion that support for the war is the only possible choice they
can make.” - Sun Tzu, The Art of War: "All war is based on
The human dignity does not depend on the place of one's birth nor is it limited to one region. The greatness or worth of a person is not measured by his or her outward appearance. There is no room for privileged people who can do with others as they please. Human life is sacred and human rights are not to be denied by those who would subvert them for "national security" or for any other reason.
to all people and leaders of the Arab and Muslim countries as well as the other
Third World countries!!
BEWARE of the West imperialist regimes ploys to “Divide and Conquer” or "Divide and Rule" your countries!
BEWARE of the West imperialist regimes ploys to “Divide and Conquer” or "Divide and Rule" your countries!
In politics and sociology, divide and rule (derived from Latin: divide et impera) (also known as divide and conquer) is a combination of political, military and economic strategy of gaining and maintaining power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into chunks that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy. The concept refers to a strategy that breaks up existing power structures and prevents smaller power groups from linking up.
The Western imperialism has now become interventionism using “The Disguised Intervention to Protect or Liberate The Local Citizens” as “the pretext or justification Made In USA” for employing an all out military force against those targeted countries with the main goals to expand and strengthen their global hegemony as well as to occupy and to squeeze those countries out of their natural resources especially oil!!
Under the guise of hypocritical declarations of "war of Liberation" to liberate Iraq from the West so-called Dictator Saddam Hussein that turned out to be the killing of many Iraqi people indiscriminately, "war to hunt for Osama bin Laden, Al Qaeda and Talibans" in Afghanistan that turned out to be the killing of many Afghan people indiscriminately and now a "humanitarian" war to "save" the Libyan people from the West so-called Dictator Gaddafi, the U.S-led western civilization regimes were in fact aiming to gain control of the world oil reserves and international oil trade as well as dominate the whole Middle East and Africa by their military powers (and ultimately the whole world).
What do you think?