30 Years of Oppression for Burmese Muslims – How YOU can help
Dr.Shabbir Ali Khan
Through out the history of Islam in Burma, a country in between Bangladesh,
India, China, and Thailand, Muslims have faced constant struggle. Today, the
situation is no different, as reports from various sources indicate the
oppression and abuse for our lesser-known brothers and sisters continue to come
our way.
For those of us unfamiliar with Burma, it is run by military (junta) rule, and
is one of the most predominantly Buddhist countries in the world. The Muslims
there, for the most part, live in isolated regions in which they have their own
culture, customs, languages, and of course, religion.
What the Burmese Muslims are enduring
Muslims, particularly those living in the region Rohingya, have faced much
oppression in the past century. According to Amnesty International, “the
Rohingya people have continued to suffer human rights violations under the
Myanmar junta since 1978 and many have fled to neighbouring Bangladesh as a result.”
Thirty years later, the situation is no different. Voice of America (VOA), the
official external radio and television broadcasting service of the United
States federal government, recently issued an opinion about the status of
oppressed Muslims in the country Burma.
Burmeses Rohingya Muslims continue to suffer at the hands of the military
regime. As part of their campaign to Burmanise the Rohingyas, the Burmese
government restricts the practice of Islam and pressures the Rohingyas to
convert to Buddhism. Burmese authorities sometimes prevent publication and
distribution of the Koran and make Rohingya participation in the hajj
[pilgrimage to Mecca] difficult. Mosques have been closed or even destroyed by
the Burmese regime. Authorities frequently force Muslims to build Buddhist
shrines and pagodas.
Listen to full audio.The U.S. State Department human rights report says even
more serious abuses, including reported killings, beatings, torture, forced
labor. . .and rape are committed by Burmese security forces against the Burmese
people, including the Rohingya and other ethnic minorities.
Why persecute the Rohingyas?
Unfortunately, it seems to be a religious prejudice based persecution towards
the Burmese Muslims of Rohingya. The Economist had an article in November of
2007 about the Rohingyas in which they asked locals about their troubles.
It's because we're Muslim, declares a trishaw driver. He says people give work
to Buddhists. There are many poor Buddhists in Sittwe too. But the perception
of unfair treatment lingers amongst Muslims, though some made common cause with
September's anti-government protesters.
Refugees flee but find little elsewhere
Rohingya Muslims have been leaving their home country for 30 some years now.
They have gone to many different countries, but the biggest choice for them is
Bangladesh. There, the Rohingya experience even more difficulty, as the Muslims
are severely poor and have little rights given to them as refugees. The
Bangladeshi government has never formally given the Burmese refugee status, and
have forced many of them out of the country.
A video on Burmese refugees in Bangladesh features women complaining of the
problems they face in day-to-day life. Muslims there feel they are being
“subjugated” by non-Muslims simply because of their religion. It seems the
Buddhist-Muslim problem of Burma that caused them to leave in the first place
is hard to flee from where ever they go.
Hope for the Muslims in Burma, and you
There are efforts within Burma for change. People like yourself are begin
educated on the situation of Muslims, as well as citizens of Burma dealing with
the strict military rule there which is even under the radar of big time groups
like the UN and the United States government.
This is where we come in.
Firstly, we can begin by starting to make dua for the Burmese Muslims and all
Muslims around the world. While this may sound cliche, it's not. Never
underestimate the power of dua. By promoting awareness of this cause and
encouraging others to ask Allah to help them, we can go a long way, inshaAllah.
Secondly,Burmese Muslim Associationhas an appeal for the Burmese people. They
help them out in different ways and facets of life, such as building schools
and supporting families.
Please, find it in your heart to donate some money, whatever you can, and link
this article to others on blogs and Emails to help out these brothers and
sisters that need you. Check out this video of how they helped pay for a young
girl's eye surgery just last summer.
Often times we may find ourselves feeling “helpless” in doing anything for
those suffering around the world. InshaAllah ta'alah through our dua, reliance
on Allah, and action to support these causes, we can lose that feeling and move
to help people in ways and places you never dreamed of.
We are now living in what has been called the Age of
Synthetic Terror. In contrast to the corporate media line,
"terrorism" is the brainchild and product of western intelligence
Its purpose is to fome...nt domestic anger at Muslims in order to justify a
program of
a) invasion of sovereign nations,
b) seizure of their oil resources,
c) mass murder designed to look like sectarian
d) establishing permanent military bases and e) the
installation of puppet governments in the countries so affected.
It follows that the mass murder of 9/11, blamed on
Arab/Muslim patsies, was but the opening scene of a drama that lead to the
murder of hundreds of thousands.
Sooner or
later, the never-ending announcements of ‘plots’ discovered or advance notice
of ‘terrorist attacks’ that come to nothing, will cease to have the desired
effect of terrifying the populace. It’s more than possible that 911, Anthrax
attacks et al, are in fact, manufactured by the ruling elites themselves in
order to justify increased repression at home and the overthrow of the
international order.
Finally, as it’s unlikely that the ‘international terror network’ will ever be
uncovered, as it’s not at all clear that it actually exists anyway, at least
not in the way it’s described in the propaganda war, the imperialist agenda is
bound to unravel. It is after all, taking place in the context of a global
crisis that encompasses the economy, political legitimacy and the impending
environmental catastrophe, which unless confronted on a global level threatens
us all.
As time passes, it will be harder and harder to hide the reality of our
situation. Lies and propaganda have a finite lifetime. Sooner or later, they
will cease to work, as the underlying reality replaces the illusions.
10 Years After 9/11, Is America A Better Place?
Is America a better place now that the FBI can demand to see your cellphone
data whenever it wants?
Is America a better place now that the Patriot Act allows the federal
government to sec...retly conduct surveillance on innocent American citizens,
monitor the electronic communications of innocent American citizens and conduct
warrantless searches of the homes of innocent American citizens?
Is America a better place now that the federal
government has a "secret interpretation" of the Patriot Act that they
won't even release to the general public? How can we possibly follow their
rules if they won't even tell us what they are expecting of us?
Is America a better place when the federal
government is so paranoid that it feels that it must issue "talking
points" instructing government officials what to say about the 10th
anniversary of 9/11?
Is America a better place when young schoolchildren
in New Jersey are being taught to snitch on their classmates and police are
being used to crack down on "bullying activity" in public schools?
Is America a better place when the federal
government is so paranoid that they spend millions of dollars encouraging us
all to spy on one another? The "If You See Something, Say Something"
campaign looks like it could have been pulled right out of an East German
security handbook.
Is America a better place when you must submit a
"crop plan" and have your garden inspected by bureaucrats before you
can participate in certain farmers markets?
Is America a better place when people living in
this country can be labeled "enemy combatants" just for uploading
videos to YouTube?
Is America a better place now that invisible
"pain ray" weapons are being used in American prisons?
Is America a better place now that state police in
some areas of the country are using "extraction devices" to download
data from the cellphones of motorists that they pull over?
Is America a better place now that LRAD sound
cannons are being used to break up college block parties?
Is America a better place now that local police
forces all over the country have been federalized and militarized? Is America a better place now that local police
feel empowered to beat people until they are unrecognizable all in the name of
maintaining "law and order"?
Is America a better place now that police officers
are patrolling the halls of our public schools and are beating up our kids? Is America a better place now that little children
all over the country are being publicly arrested by police in their own
classrooms and are being marched out of their schools in handcuffs? Is America a better place now that children are
being herded like cattle into mass vaccination centers?
Is America a better place now that the U.S. Department
of Agriculture is spending huge amounts of money to install surveillance
cameras in the cafeterias of public schools all over the nation so that
government control freaks can closely monitor what our children are eating? Is America a better place now that lemonade stands
run by young children all over the nation are being shut down by police? Is America a better place now that large numbers of
security cameras have gone up in nearly every major U.S. city?
Is America a better place now that authorities will
pull you over for having the "wrong" political bumper sticker on your
car? Is America a better place now that the FDA is
employing elaborate entrapment schemes against producers of raw milk? Is America a better place now that FBI surveillance
teams regularly employ warrantless GPS tracking to monitor the movements of
peaceful activists - even if they are not suspected of ever committing a crime? Is America a better place now that the NSA gathers
an amount of information on all of us equivalent to the entire Library of
Congress every six hours? Is America a better place now that the FBI
definition of "suspicious activity" includes making "extreme
religious statements" and believing in "radical theology"?
Malcolm X
was born Malcolm Little on May 19, 1925 in Omaha, Nebraska. He died as El-Hajj
Malik El-Shabazz, and went into history as one of the most influential minds of
the African world. His mother, Louis Norton Little, was a homemaker occupied with the family's eight children. His
father, Earl little, was an outspoken Baptist minister and avid supporter of
Black Nationalist leader Marcus Garvey.
Earl's civil rights activism prompted death threats from the
white supremacist organization Black Legion, forcing the family to relocate
twice before Malcolm's fourth birthday. Regardless of the Little's efforts to
elude the Legion, in 1929 their Lansing, Michigan home was burned to the
ground, and two years later Earl's mutilated body was found lying across the
town's trolley tracks.
Our people have made the mistake of confusing the methods
with the objectives. As long as we agree on objectives, we should never fall
out with each other just because we believe in different methods, or tactics,
or strategy Holocaust.
Police ruled both accidents, but the Little's were
certain that members of the Black Legion were responsible. Louise had an
emotional breakdown several years after the death of her husband and was
committed to a mental institution. Her children were split up amongst various
foster homes and orphanages.
Malcolm was a smart, focused student and graduated
from junior high at the top of his class. However, when a favourite teacher
told Malcolm his dream of becoming a lawyer was "no realistic goal for a
nigger," Malcolm lost interest in school. He dropped out, spent some time
in Boston, Massachusetts working various odd jobs, and then travelled to
Harlem, New York where he committed some
sorts of crime
I'd rather walk among rattlesnakes, whose constant rattle
warns me where they are, than among those Northern snakes who grin and make you
forget you're still in a snake pit Holocaust
Eventually Malcolm and his buddy, Malcolm
"Shorty" Jarvis, moved back to Boston, where they were arrested and
convicted on burglary charges in 1946. Malcolm placated himself by using the
seven-year prison sentence to further his education. It was during this period
of self-enlightenment that Malcolm's brother Reginald visited and discussed his
recent conversion to the Muslim religious organization the Nation of Islam.
Intrigued, Malcolm studied the teachings of Nation of Islam leader Elijah
Muhammad. Muhammad taught that white society actively worked to keep
African-Americans from empowering themselves and achieving political, economic
and social success. Among other goals, the Nation of Islam fought for a state
of their own, separate from one inhabited by white people. By the time he was
paroled in 1952, Malcolm was a devoted follower with the new surname
"X." He considered "Little" a slave name and chose the
"X" to signify his lost tribal name.
Intelligent and articulate, Malcolm was appointed a
minister and national spokesman for the Nation of Islam. Elijah Muhammad also
charged him with establishing new mosques in cities such as Detroit, Michigan
and Harlem, New York. Malcolm utilized newspaper columns, radio and television
to communicate the Nation of Islam's message across the United States. His
charisma, drive and conviction attracted an astounding number of new members.
Malcolm was largely credited with increasing membership in the Nation of Islam
from 500 in 1952 to 30,000 in 1963.
The crowds and controversy surrounding Malcolm made
him a media magnet. He was featured in a week-long television special with Mike
Wallace in 1959, The Hate That Hate Produced that explored fundamentals of the
Nation of Islam and Malcolm's emergence as one of its most important leaders.
After the special, Malcolm was faced with the uncomfortable reality that his
fame had eclipsed that of his mentor Elijah Muhammad.
Ethiopians have had very intimate relations with Indians. In
fact, in antiquity the Ethiopians ruled much of India. These Ethiopians
were called the Naga. It was the Naga who created Sanskrit.
A reading of ancient Dravidian literature which dates back to
500 BC, gives us considerable information on the Naga. In Indian tradition the
Naga won central India from the Villavar (bowmen) and Minavar (fishermen).
The Naga were great seamen who ruled much of India, Sri Lanka
and Burma. To the Aryans they described as half man and snake. The Tamil knew
them as warlike people who used the bow and noose.
The earliest mention of the Naga, appear in the Ramayana,
they are also mentioned in the Mahabharata. In the Mahabharata we discover that
the Naga had the capital city in the Deccan, and other cities spread between
the Jumna and Ganges as early as 1300 BC. The Dravidian classic, the Chilappathikaran
made it clear that the first great kingdom of India was
The Naga probably came from Kush-Punt/Ethiopia. The Puntites
were the greatest sailors of the ancient world. In the Egyptian inscriptions
there is mention of the Puntite ports of Outculit, Hamesu and Tekaru, which
corresponds to Adulis, Hamasen and Tigre.
In Sumerian text, it is claimed that the Puntites traded with
the people of the Indus Valley or Dilmun. According to S.N. Kramer in The
Sumerians, part of Punt was probably called Meluhha, and Dilmun was probably
the ancient name of the Indus Valley. (Today some scholars maintain that Oman,
where we find no ancient cities was Dilmun and the Indus Valley may have been
Ancient Ethiopian traditions support the rule of Puntites or
Ethiopians of India. In the Kebra Nagast, we find mention of the Arwe kings who
ruled India. The founder of the dynasty was Za Besi Angabo. This dynasty
according to the Kebra Nagast began around 1370 BC. These rulers of India and
Ethiopia were called Nagas. The Kebra Nagast claims that ” Queen Makeda “had
servants and merchants; they traded for her at sea and on land in the Indies
and Aswan”. It also says that her son Ebna Hakim or Menelik I, made a
campaign in the Indian Sea; the king of India made gifts and donations and
prostrated himself before him”. It is also said that Menalik ruled an empire
that extended from the rivers of Egypt (Blue Nile) to the west and from the
south Shoa to eastern India”, according to the Kebra Nagast. The Kebra Nagast
identification of an eastern Indian empre ruled by the Naga, corresponds to the
Naga colonies in the Deccan, and on the East coast between the Kaviri and
Vaigai rivers.
The presence of Meluhhaites/ Puntites in India may expain the
Greek tradition of Kusites ruling India up to the Ganges. It would also explain
the Aryan traditions of Mlechchas ( Sanskrit name for some of the non-Aryan
people) as one of the aboriginal groups of India. Many scholars associate the
name Mlechchas with Meluhha.
The major Naga
tribes were the Maravar, Eyinar, Oliyar, Oviyar, Aru-Valur and Parathavar. The
Nagas resisted the invansion of the Cholas. In the Kalittokai IV,1-5, the Naga
are described as being “of strong limbs and hardy frames and fierce looking
tigers wearing long and curled locks of hair.” The Naga kings of Sri Lanka are
mentioned in the: Mahawanso, and are said to have later become Dravidians, as
testified to by the names of these people: Naganathan, Nagaratnam, Nagaraja and
The major gift of
the Naga to India was the writing system: Nagari. Nagari is the name for
the Sanskrit script. Over a hundred years ago Sir William Jones, pointed out
that the ancient Ethiopic and Sanskrit writing are one and the same.
William Jones,
explained that the Ethiopian origin of Sanskrit was supported by the fact that
both writing systems the writing went from left to right and the vowels were
annexed to the consonants. Today Eurocentric scholars teach that Indians taught
writing to the Ethiopians, yet the name Nagari for Sanskrit betrays the
Ethiopia origin of this form of writing. Moreover, it is interesting to note
that Sanskrit vowels: a,aa,’,I,u,e,o, virama etc., are in the same order as
The Ethiopian
script has influenced many other writing systems. Y.M. Kobishnor, in the Unesco
History of Africa, maintains that Ethiopic was used as the model for Armenian
writing, as was many of the Transcaucasian scripts. Dravidian literature
indicate that the Naga may have introduced worship of Kali, the Serpent,
Murugan and the Sun or Krishna. It is interesting to note that a god called
Murugan is worshipped by many people in East Africa.
It is interesting
that Krishna, who was associated with the Sun, means Black, this is analogous
to the meaning of Khons of the Kushites. Homer, described Hercules as follows:
“Black he stood as night his bow uncased, his arrow string for flight”. This
mention of arrows identifies the Kushites as warriors who used the bow, a
common weapon of the Kushites and the Naga.
The Naga or
Ethiopians were defeated by Dravidian speaking people from Kumarinadu.
Kamarinadu is suppose to have formerly existed as a large Island in the India
ocean which connected India with East Africa. This landmass is mentioned in the
Silappadikaram, which said that Kamarinadu was made up of seven nadus or
regions. The Dravidian scholars Adiyarkunallar and Nachinaar wrote about the
ancient principalities of Tamilaham, which existed on Kamarinadu.
Kumarinadu was
ruled by the Pandyans/Pandians at Madurai before it sunk beneath the sea. The
greatest king of Kumarinadu was Sengoon. According to Dravidian scholars the Pandyans
worshipped the goddess Kumari Amman. This Amman, probably corresponds to the
ancient god Amon of the Kushites.
The Kalittokai
104, makes it clear that after the Pandyans were forced to migrate off their
Island home into South India, “to compensate for the area lost to the great
waves of the sea, King Pandia without tiresome moved to the other countries and
won them. Removing the emblems of tiger (Cholas) and bow (Cheras) he, in their
place inscribed his reputed emblem fish (Pandia’s) and valiantly made his
enemies bow to him”.
The very same
criminal gang that have attacked Iraq and Afghanistan have today launched one
of the most catastrophic military attack on a sovereign state( Libya)beginning
what the open minded people believe will be yet another mass slaughter of
innocent civilians. What is obvious to all but the most duped and apathetic is
that once again we have another war launched by the imperialist powers thinly
veiled as a “humanitarian intervention”, backed by an arm twisted UN resolution,
dressed up as a mission of peace driven by the use of heavy bombardment and
murder, where the truth lies diametrically opposed to the propaganda being
pushed by the castrated capitalist mainstream media. Nothing is what it seems;
the lies and deceptions are far dangerous than the world may have thought.
The similarities
with Iraq go well beyond the date of the opening salvo indeed, there are many
consistencies between the current aggressive attack on Libya and numerous other
military interventions and acts of aggression carried out by the US, NATO and
their criminal allies in recent years.
Largely fabricated
case for humanitarian intervention based on violence stoked by special forces
troops and CIA,MI6 covert operations inside Libya, with the consistent demonization
of the leader recast as a mass murdering tyrant to justify a heavy saturation
bombing campaign in the name of human rights and justice. Any historical
context that might cast the so-called “Allies” in a negative light for instance
large-scale sale of weapons to the new enemy figure is carefully omitted from
the narrative.
The imperialist
aggressors are specifically responsible for the deaths of over a million
civilians in Iraq and more than 70,000 in Afghanistan, which are downplayed by
the term collateral damage.
The so called
United Nations was formed by the nations that joined together against Germany
in the Second World War. These countries formed a body called the Security
Council, made themselves permanent members and granted themselves the power of
veto ,such action is autocratic and illegal by democratic standard. The rest of
the world were not part of that process during that time. The United Nations
was formed in line with those three countries. That happened in the absence of
some 165 countries, that is, one country was present and eight were absent.
If a country, like
Libya for instance, were to exhibit military aggression against France or the
United states, then the entire Organization would respond because France or the
US is a sovereign State Member of the United Nations and the entire UN share
the collective responsibility to protect the sovereignty of all nations.
However, 65 aggressive wars have taken place since the formation of the UN
without any United Nations action to prevent them.
Eight other
massive, deadly wars, whose victims number some two to three million civilians,
have been waged by Member States that enjoy veto powers (US,Britain,France,Russia).
Those countries that would want other countries to believe they seek to maintain
the sovereignty and independence of peoples actually use military aggressive
force against other sovereign states who are also member of the UN. Why would
an open minded person believe that these aggressors want to work for peace and
security of the world? Instead they have resorted to aggressive wars and
hostile behaviour. The US,Britian,France,Russia with the exception of China who
was unanimously granted membership through UN voting process enjoy the veto
they granted themselves as permanent members of the Security Council.
This intervention is illegal by all standard.
The so called
military intervention "constitutes a gross manipulation" of the
United Nations (UN) Charter and of the authority of the UN Security Council,
and shows the "double standards which characterize its behaviour."It
is highly illegal from a realistic point of view.
The "UN
Resolution adopted by the Security Council does not authorize in any way these
attacks on Libyan territory, which constitutes a violation of the international
law,it is illegal by all standard. The war mongering cliq carrying out the
military attacks against Libyan territory "have already started causing
death, injury and suffering to innocent Libyans and other civilian
Syarif Hidayat
refuses to allow inspections or sign the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)
which safeguards the sale of nuclear material. Is it safe to allow Israel to disregard
UN laws especially after the Sabra and Shatila Massacres in Lebanon where they
murdered innocent Palestinian refugees with the exact number of victims is
disputed, from 700–800 to 3,500 (depending on the source), the Gaza “Cast Lead”
Massacre that killed around 1400 Palestinians and the Gaza Flotilla Massacre
where they murdered humanitarian peace activists and the United States turns a
blind eye?
Israel is one of the loudest voices calling for a tougher line on Iran's
nuclear programme, its own nuclear capability has never been put to inspection.
Israel has
two nuclear research centres - at Dimona and Soreq. The latest estimates
suggest that Israel has produced at least 118 warheads with weapons grade
plutonium. The Jericho ballistic missiles are capable of carrying such weapons.
The Zionist state
of Israel possesses the largest and most sophisticated arsenal outside of the
five declared nuclear powers. Israel has never officially admitted to
possessing nuclear weapons, but abundant information is available showing that
the capability exists.
While Zionist
infiltrated and controlled medias in the West are waging propaganda campaigns
portraying a Muslim nuclear threat against the world, publishing
factless and biased articles and programs on "dirty bombs", and
fantastic figures on alleged Iraqi and Iranian nuclear weaponry and missiles,
the very same medias are downplaying - silencing - the real facts on the racist
Zionist state of Israel, its weapons programs and the persistent nuclear threat
that state poses against global peace.
possessions of these weapons constitute a major threat. Contrary to
the propaganda spread by Israel´s apologizers, these weapons are primarily not
intended as a last resort weapon to save Israel in case of a catastrophic
military outcome in a future clash with it´s enemies, but are weapons which
already today are used as means of nuclear extortion - blackmail -
against the rest of the world.
The Zionist
leadership doesn´t have of any moral objections against using this type of
weaponry if it would benefit the Zionist state in a strategic/military way.
Just the same as the use of nuclear weapons by the U.S. in WW II was not a last
minute resort for the U.S. military in August 1945 but a weapon used by the
already winning power to bring the Japanese people to complete submission,
to comply to unconditional capitulation.
Killing of
millions of the enemy isn´t something that worries the minds of Zionist
leadership as their anti-humanitarian ideology teaches them that they are
"the chosen people", the master race - an ideology where the rest of
the world are "goyim", expendable sub-humans, i.e. non-Jews
- to which the Jewish bible prophecies complete destruction if they resist the
Jewish God´s promise of complete Jewish domination.
As we will show
Israel´s possession of doomsday nuclear arms are a well known fact among
intelligence and nuclear research circles.
The fact that a
majority of the public in the West are not aware of the Zionist nuclear threat
indicates the present-day impact of Zionist media influence, and it´s success
in keeping the general public blindfolded and misguided.
Israel's Arsenal of Mass Destruction
According to a careful
research article by John Steinbach on Israel's nuclear arsenal that was first
published by Global Research in March 2003, today estimates of the
Israeli nuclear arsenal range from a minimum of 200 to a maximum of about 500.
Whatever the number, there is little doubt that Israeli nukes are among the
world's most sophisticated, largely designed for "war fighting" in
the Middle East.
A staple of the
Israeli nuclear arsenal are "neutron bombs," miniaturized
thermonuclear bombs designed to maximize deadly gamma radiation while
minimizing blast effects and long term radiation- in essence designed to kill
people while leaving property intact. Weapons include ballistic missiles and
bombers capable of reaching Moscow, cruise missiles, land mines (In the 1980s
Israel planted nuclear land mines along the Golan Heights), and artillery
shells with a range of 45 miles.
In June, 2000 an
Israeli submarine launched a cruise missile which hit a target 950 miles away,
making Israel only the third nation after the U.S. and Russia with that
capability. Israel will deploy 3 of these virtually impregnable submarines,
each carrying 4 cruise missiles. The bombs themselves range in size from
"city busters" larger than the Hiroshima Bomb to tactical mini nukes.
The Israeli arsenal of weapons of mass destruction clearly dwarfs the actual or
potential arsenals of all other Middle Eastern states combined, and is vastly
greater than any conceivable need for "deterrence."
Israel also
possesses a comprehensive arsenal of chemical and biological weapons. According
to the Sunday Times, Israel has produced both chemical and biological weapons
with a sophisticated delivery system, quoting a senior Israeli intelligence
official, "There is hardly a single known or unknown form of chemical or
biological weapon . . .which is not manufactured at the Nes Tziyona Biological
The same report
described F-16 fighter jets specially designed for chemical and biological
payloads, with crews trained to load the weapons on a moments notice. In 1998,
the Sunday Times reported that Israel, using research obtained from South
Africa, was developing an "ethno bomb; "In developing their
"ethno-bomb", Israeli scientists are trying to exploit medical
advances by identifying distinctive a gene carried by some Arabs, then create a
genetically modified bacterium or virus...
The scientists are
trying to engineer deadly micro-organisms that attack only those bearing the
distinctive genes." Dedi Zucker, a leftist Member of Knesset, the Israeli
parliament, denounced the research saying, "Morally, based on our history,
and our tradition and our experience, such a weapon is monstrous and should be
Israeli delivery systems
Israel can
undoubtedly deploy nuclear weapons using its air force. The aircraft and crews
dedicated to nuclear weapons delivery are located at the Tel Nof airbase.
Originally the F-4 Phantom II acquired in 1969 was probably the designated
carrier, today it would be the F-16. The F-16 has an unrefueled radius of
action of 1250 km, extending out to western Iran, the shores of the Black Sea,
Riyadh, or the Libyan border. With refueling it can travel much farther of
course, and an unrefueled one-way mission could take it as far as Moscow.
Israel also
possesses medium-range ballistic missiles: the Jericho-1 (Ya-1 "Luz")
with a 500 kg payload, and a range of 480-650 km (operational since 1973); and
the Jericho 2 (either Ya-2 or Ya-3) with a 1000 kg payload and a range of over
1500 km (operational since 1990). Under development is the Jericho-2B with a
range of 2,500 km.
These missiles
were almost certainly developed specifically as nuclear delivery systems
(although chemical warheads cannot be ruled out). About 50 Jericho-1s and 50
Jericho-2s are believed to have been deployed. Israel also has a 100 or more
U.S. supplied Lance tactical missiles, with a range of 115 km (72 miles).
Although these were supplied with conventional warheads, they could very well
have been outfitted with nuclear or chemical ones.
Jericho 1
This is believed
to be named Luz and designated YA-1 by Israel. It is based on the
French missile MD-600 built by Dassault and was developed during the 1960s.
Specifications Length: 10 m Width 1.0 m Launch weight 4500 kg Propulsion: Two stage solid propellant Range: 500 km Payload: 500 kg
Jericho 2
Jericho-2 development
is indigenous, and started soon after the Jericho-1 was deployed. Test launches
began in 1986 and the first two had ranges of 465 km (1986) and 820 km (1987).
The Jericho-2 shares the first two stages of the civilian Shavit (Comet) space
launch vehicle, which has launched Israel's four satellites, the Offeq-1, 2,
and 3 reconnaissance satellites, and the Amos communications satellite. Shavit
space launch vehicle, Offeq-2 launch on 3 April 1990 (13 K)
Specifications Length: 12 m Width 1.2 m Launch weight 6500 kg Propulsion: Two stage solid propellant Range: 1500 km Payload: 1000 kg
The Jericho 1 and
2 are deployed near Kfar Zachariah and Sderot Micha about 23 km east of
Jerusalem (and about 40 km southeast of Tel Aviv). Located a few kilometres to
the northwest is Tel Nof air base. Images of the missile complex made by
commercial satellites have been published in recent years, and September 1997 Jane's
Intelligence Review published a 3-D analysis of high resolution pictures
taken by the Indian IRS-C satellite.
The complex is
compact - smaller than 6 km x 4 km. The missiles are mobile, being deployed on
transporter-erector-launchers (TELs), and are based in bunkers tunneled into
the side of the limestone hills. There are no signs of missile silos. TELs
require firm, accurately leveled ground in order to launch, and maximum missile
accuracy requires pre-surveyed launch points. Consequently there are a number
of prepared launch pads (paved culs-de-sac) connected to these bunkers by paved
roads. Images of an actual Jericho 2 TEL indicate that it is about 16 m long, 4
m wide and 3 m high.
It is accompanied
by three support vehicles (probably a power supply vehicle, a firing control
vehicle, and a communications vehicle). The Zachariah missile base was enlarged
between 1989 and 1993 during the Jericho-2 deployment. A few kilometres north
of Tel Nof is the Be'er Yaakov factory where the Jericho missiles and the
Shavit are believed to have been manufactured.
From its
deployment location in central Israel the Jericho-1 missile can reach such
targets as Damascus, Aleppo, and Cairo. The Jericho-2 can reach any part of
Syria or Iraq, and as far as Teheran, and Benghazi, Libya. The Jericho-2B will
be able to reach any part of Libya or Iran, and as far as southern Russia. The
short range of the Lance limits it mainly to battlefield use, although the
Syrian capital of Damascus is in range from much of northern Israel. According
to Jane's World Air Forces, Israel has three Jericho-equipped missile
Also located at
the site are a group of 21 bunkers thought to contain nuclear gravity bombs.
Five of the larger ones are about 15 m wide and 20 m long, and rise 6 m above
It is
believed a Jericho Three missile is now being developed - that will be able to
travel around 5,000 kilometres, bringing all of Iran and Europe into its range.
The Jewish state has already tested
these missile´s capabilities.
In Israeli
newspaper Ha´aretz (English Internet Edition), May 3, 2000, in the
article "Israeli missile test too close for U.S. Navy cruiser's
comfort. Scientists think Israel has long-range ballistic arms", Amnon
Barzilai, Ha'aretz Defence Correspondent, reports:
The new version of
the Jericho-2 missile reportedly includes most neighbouring countries in its
range, and its accuracy is considered to be very good. The U.S. National
Security Agency has monitored the test program of the Jericho-2 and has
recorded several test firings over the Mediterranean. According to the
Federation of American Scientists, test firings of the missile at ranges in
excess of 1300 kilometres have been conducted in South Africa.
According to the
organization, the capability of Israel's ballistic missiles has been estimated
to be far greater. Based on calculations derived from the Shavit rockets
carrying the Ofek satellites, Israel's ballistic missiles are capable of
carrying a nuclear payload across ranges in excess of 5,300 kilometres. But
experts at the Pentagon estimate that an Israeli missile with a 7,200-kilometer
range is possible. Another estimate was given in July 1990 by University of
Maryland physicist Steve Peter, who calculated that the Shavit rocket has a
range of 4,000 kilometres with a maximum payload of 775 kilograms. All these
assessments place the whole of the Middle East within the range of Israel's
ballistic missiles.
Israel deploys nuclear arms in
But Israel isn´t
satisfied with only possessing a ballistic missile capability to deliver its
weapons of mass destruction. The July 1, 1998, article in The Washington
Times, "Israel buying 3 submarines to carry nuclear
missiles", by Martin Sieff, reports on the latest
Zionist conquest in obtaining delivery systems for its nuclear arms:
The respected
Israeli newspaper Ha'aretz reported June 8 that Israeli military planners want
to mount nuclear-armed cruise missiles on the new submarines.
Maj. Gen. Avraham
Botzer, former commander of the Israeli navy, told Israeli television in
December 1990 that his country needed submarines not just to attack enemy
warships but also as platforms for weapon systems to deter against an attack by
weapons of mass destruction.
submarines must be [an instrument] of the state of Israel, not just the
navy," Gen. Botzer said. "Submarines all over the world serve as
part of the deterrent system against nonconventional warfare. They are a way of
guaranteeing that the enemy will not be tempted to strike pre-emptively with
nonconventional weapons and get away scot-free."
A recent
Pentagon study said Israel has developed an air-launched cruise missile that
should be operational by 2002. The missile, called the Popeye Turbo, will have
a range of more than 200 miles, the U.S. report said. U.S. military analysts
said the Popeye could easily be adapted for launch from a submarine.
Anthony Cordesman,
co-director of the Middle East program at the Center for Strategic and
International Studies, wrote in a study published June 3 that the Popeye cruise
missile was capable of carrying a nuclear warhead.
Intelligence Review reported Sept. 1 that photo reconnaissance indicated Israel
had stored around 150 nuclear warheads and 50 Jericho II intermediate range
missiles to carry them at Zachariah air force base southeast of Tel Aviv.
Zachariah means in Hebrew, "God remembers with vengeance."
The London-based
Jane's also estimated "that the Israeli arsenal may contain as many as 400
nuclear weapons with a total combined yield of 50 megatons."
The Jericho is
believed to have a 3,000-mile range and carry a payload of just under 1 ton,
easily enough to accommodate even a hydrogen bomb.
The article
"Fears Of New Arms Race As Israel Tests Cruise Missiles" by Uzi
Mahnaimi and Peter Conradi London Sunday Times
June 18, 2000, describes how Israel thereafter has test-fired cruise missiles
capable of carrying nuclear warheads. The tests, involving two German-built
Dolphin-class submarines, took place off the coast of Sri Lanka. The
Israeli-made missiles, which were equipped with conventional warheads, hit
targets at sea at a range of about 930 miles.
The Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace published a report early in June 2002,
detailing the Israeli nuclear weapons program. That book length report on
global nuclear weapons proliferation, Deadly Arsenals - Tracking Weapons of
Mass Destruction, included an entire chapter on Israel's nuclear, chemical
and biological weapons program.
The Carnegie
authors wrote, "Probably the most important nuclear-related development in
Israel is the formation of its sea-based nuclear arm.
By July 2000
Israel completed taking delivery of all three of the Dolphin-class submarines
it had ordered at the Thyssen-Nordseewerke shipyard in Kiel, Germany. In doing
so, it is widely believed, Israel moved significantly toward acquiring a
survivable second-strike nuclear capability. All indications are that Israel is
on the way to finalizing a restructuring of its nuclear forces into a triad,
like the United States.
"Since the
early 1980s (and probably even earlier) the Israeli navy (jointly with other
governmental agencies) lobbied hard for the notion that Israel should build a
small fleet of modern diesel submarines for `strategic purposes,' an Israeli
euphemism for a sea-launched nuclear capability... It is also believed (but not
confirmed) that the most sensitive aspect of the project, the cruise-missile
technology that renders the diesel submarines nuclear-capable launching
platforms, was developed and built in Israel... According to one report in the
London Sunday Times (June 18, 2000), by early 2000 Israel had carried out the
first launching tests of its cruise missiles."
The Carnegie study
concluded, "A fleet of three submarines is believed to be the minimum that
Israel needs to have a deployment at sea of one nuclear-armed submarine at all
The fact
that Israel has achieved a deployable nuclear triad was also advertised in a
June 15, 2002, report in the Washington Post, under the headline, "Israel
Has Submarine-Based Atomic Arms Capability".
revelations were released in an article in the Los Angeles Times
on Oct. 12th, 2003, where two unnamed Bush Administration
officials disclosed, and an Israeli official confirmed, that Israel really has
modified U.S.-supplied nuclear-armed cruise missiles, and installed them on the
three German-built submarines in its navy. All three spoke on condition of
Also on Sunday
October 12th, 2003, The Observer on-line edition published the
following article on these latest revelations: “Peter Beaumont in
London and Conal Urquhart in Jerusalem,” Israeli and American
officials have admitted collaborating to deploy US-supplied Harpoon cruise
missiles armed with nuclear warheads in Israel's fleet of Dolphin-class
submarines, giving the Middle East's only nuclear power the ability to strike
at any of its Arab neighbours.
The unprecedented
disclosure came as Israel announced that states 'harbouring terrorists' are
legitimate targets, responding to Syria's declaration of its right to
self-defence should Israel bomb its territory again. According to Israeli and
Bush administration officials interviewed by the Los Angeles Times, the
sea-launch capability gives Israel the ability to target Iran more easily
should the Iranians develop their own nuclear weapons.
Israeli targeting systems
The Jewish author
Seymour Hersh relates extensive (and highly successful) efforts by
Israel to obtain targeting data from U.S. intelligence. Much satellite imaging
data of the Soviet Union was obtained through the American spy, the Jew Jonathan
Pollard (Pollard spied for Israel and he provided it
with U.S. radar-images of targets in the Arab countries and in the Soviet
Union. These pictures were crucial, since they serve the guidance system of
Israel's Jericho 2 missile, which became operational just at that time, in 1984
and 1985).
Satellite imagery
from a U.S. KH-11 satellite for example was used to plan the 7 June 1981 attack
on the Tammuz-1 reactor at Osiraq, Iraq. This attack, carried out by 8 F-16s
accompanied by 6 F-15s punched a hole in the concrete reactor dome before the
reactor began operation (and just days before an Israeli election) and
delivered 15 delay-fuzed 2000 lb bombs deep into the reactor structure (the
16th bomb hit a nearby hall). The blasts shredded the reactor and blew out the
dome foundations, causing it to collapse on the rubble. This was the world's
first attack on a nuclear reactor.
Since 19 September
1988 Israel has had its own satellite reconnaissance system and thus no longer
needs to rely on U.S. sources. On that day the Offeq-1 satellite was launched
on the Shavit booster, a system closely related to the Jericho-2 missile.
Offeq-2 went up on 3 April 1990. The launch of the Offeq-3 failed on its first
attempt on 15 September 1994, but was retried successfully 05 April 1995.
A Crazy US
President and A Deranged Israeli PM:
I think, the actual Nuclear World War could be easily triggered by
the illicit agreement between the crazy American President and the deranged and
adventurous Israeli Prime Minister.
Please take a
close look at the example of the actual Israeli nuclear threats to the world
security: In 2002, while the United States was building for the 2003 invasion
of Iraq, then Prime Minister Ariel Sharon threatened that if Israel was
attacked “Israel will react. Is it clear?”
Israeli defense
analyst Zeev Schiff explained: “Israel could respond with a nuclear retaliation
that would eradicate Iraq as a country.” It is believed President George W.
Bush gave Sharon the Green-Light to attack Baghdad in retaliation, including
with Nuclear Weapons, but only if attacks came before the American military
Unless one is a
madman, nobody in his right mind would contemplate a nuclear world war that
would likely kill hundreds of millions of human beings, and which could bring
forth the collapse of civilization, and lead to the extermination of human life
on earth. Indeed, nuclear armaments have made total war a crime against
humanity and civilization. It is of paramount importance to avoid such a
No responsible
leader starts wars of aggression (this is against international law and the
U.N. Charter) and no responsible leader should talk lightly about an immoral
World War that could kill millions of people and that could threaten the
survival of the planet. Above all, he should not be itching to start one.
— Instead, the US
President, whoever and whatever color he or she is: a Republican or a Democrat,
White, Black, Brown or Yellow, should be actively working to prevent a nuclear
war and to make such a disaster illegal, and not muse aloud how he could
personally be involved in one.
Bibliotheque: 1. Radio Islam article: Israel´s
Nuclear Weapons - Facts on the Jewish Threat against World Peace
(http://www.radioislam.org/israelweapon/index.htm) 2. Israeli Weapons of Mass
Destruction, A Threat to Peace: Israel's Nuclear Arsenal by John Steinbach (http://globalresearch.ca/articles/STE203A.html) 3. John Pike and Federation of
American Scientists, Israel Special Weapons Guide Website, 2001, Web
Address http://www.fas.org/nuke/guide/israel/index.html (An invaluable
internet resource) 4 . Seymour Hersh ‘s book, “The Samson Option:
Israel's Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign Policy,” New York,1991.