Dr. Clyde Winters
Ethiopians have had very intimate relations with Indians. In
fact, in antiquity the Ethiopians ruled much of India. These Ethiopians
were called the Naga. It was the Naga who created Sanskrit.
A reading of ancient Dravidian literature which dates back to
500 BC, gives us considerable information on the Naga. In Indian tradition the
Naga won central India from the Villavar (bowmen) and Minavar (fishermen).
The Naga were great seamen who ruled much of India, Sri Lanka
and Burma. To the Aryans they described as half man and snake. The Tamil knew
them as warlike people who used the bow and noose.
The earliest mention of the Naga, appear in the Ramayana,
they are also mentioned in the Mahabharata. In the Mahabharata we discover that
the Naga had the capital city in the Deccan, and other cities spread between
the Jumna and Ganges as early as 1300 BC. The Dravidian classic, the Chilappathikaran
made it clear that the first great kingdom of India was
The Naga probably came from Kush-Punt/Ethiopia. The Puntites
were the greatest sailors of the ancient world. In the Egyptian inscriptions
there is mention of the Puntite ports of Outculit, Hamesu and Tekaru, which
corresponds to Adulis, Hamasen and Tigre.
In Sumerian text, it is claimed that the Puntites traded with
the people of the Indus Valley or Dilmun. According to S.N. Kramer in The
Sumerians, part of Punt was probably called Meluhha, and Dilmun was probably
the ancient name of the Indus Valley. (Today some scholars maintain that Oman,
where we find no ancient cities was Dilmun and the Indus Valley may have been
Ancient Ethiopian traditions support the rule of Puntites or
Ethiopians of India. In the Kebra Nagast, we find mention of the Arwe kings who
ruled India. The founder of the dynasty was Za Besi Angabo. This dynasty
according to the Kebra Nagast began around 1370 BC. These rulers of India and
Ethiopia were called Nagas. The Kebra Nagast claims that ” Queen Makeda “had
servants and merchants; they traded for her at sea and on land in the Indies
and Aswan”. It also says that her son Ebna Hakim or Menelik I, made a
campaign in the Indian Sea; the king of India made gifts and donations and
prostrated himself before him”. It is also said that Menalik ruled an empire
that extended from the rivers of Egypt (Blue Nile) to the west and from the
south Shoa to eastern India”, according to the Kebra Nagast. The Kebra Nagast
identification of an eastern Indian empre ruled by the Naga, corresponds to the
Naga colonies in the Deccan, and on the East coast between the Kaviri and
Vaigai rivers.
The presence of Meluhhaites/ Puntites in India may expain the
Greek tradition of Kusites ruling India up to the Ganges. It would also explain
the Aryan traditions of Mlechchas ( Sanskrit name for some of the non-Aryan
people) as one of the aboriginal groups of India. Many scholars associate the
name Mlechchas with Meluhha.
The major Naga
tribes were the Maravar, Eyinar, Oliyar, Oviyar, Aru-Valur and Parathavar. The
Nagas resisted the invansion of the Cholas. In the Kalittokai IV,1-5, the Naga
are described as being “of strong limbs and hardy frames and fierce looking
tigers wearing long and curled locks of hair.” The Naga kings of Sri Lanka are
mentioned in the: Mahawanso, and are said to have later become Dravidians, as
testified to by the names of these people: Naganathan, Nagaratnam, Nagaraja and
The major gift of
the Naga to India was the writing system: Nagari. Nagari is the name for
the Sanskrit script. Over a hundred years ago Sir William Jones, pointed out
that the ancient Ethiopic and Sanskrit writing are one and the same.
William Jones,
explained that the Ethiopian origin of Sanskrit was supported by the fact that
both writing systems the writing went from left to right and the vowels were
annexed to the consonants. Today Eurocentric scholars teach that Indians taught
writing to the Ethiopians, yet the name Nagari for Sanskrit betrays the
Ethiopia origin of this form of writing. Moreover, it is interesting to note
that Sanskrit vowels: a,aa,’,I,u,e,o, virama etc., are in the same order as
The Ethiopian
script has influenced many other writing systems. Y.M. Kobishnor, in the Unesco
History of Africa, maintains that Ethiopic was used as the model for Armenian
writing, as was many of the Transcaucasian scripts. Dravidian literature
indicate that the Naga may have introduced worship of Kali, the Serpent,
Murugan and the Sun or Krishna. It is interesting to note that a god called
Murugan is worshipped by many people in East Africa.
It is interesting
that Krishna, who was associated with the Sun, means Black, this is analogous
to the meaning of Khons of the Kushites. Homer, described Hercules as follows:
“Black he stood as night his bow uncased, his arrow string for flight”. This
mention of arrows identifies the Kushites as warriors who used the bow, a
common weapon of the Kushites and the Naga.
The Naga or
Ethiopians were defeated by Dravidian speaking people from Kumarinadu.
Kamarinadu is suppose to have formerly existed as a large Island in the India
ocean which connected India with East Africa. This landmass is mentioned in the
Silappadikaram, which said that Kamarinadu was made up of seven nadus or
regions. The Dravidian scholars Adiyarkunallar and Nachinaar wrote about the
ancient principalities of Tamilaham, which existed on Kamarinadu.
Kumarinadu was
ruled by the Pandyans/Pandians at Madurai before it sunk beneath the sea. The
greatest king of Kumarinadu was Sengoon. According to Dravidian scholars the Pandyans
worshipped the goddess Kumari Amman. This Amman, probably corresponds to the
ancient god Amon of the Kushites.
The Kalittokai
104, makes it clear that after the Pandyans were forced to migrate off their
Island home into South India, “to compensate for the area lost to the great
waves of the sea, King Pandia without tiresome moved to the other countries and
won them. Removing the emblems of tiger (Cholas) and bow (Cheras) he, in their
place inscribed his reputed emblem fish (Pandia’s) and valiantly made his
enemies bow to him”.
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