Thursday, 7 June 2012


The very same criminal gang that have attacked Iraq and Afghanistan have today launched one of the most catastrophic military attack

The very same criminal gang that have attacked Iraq and Afghanistan have today launched one of the most catastrophic military attack on a sovereign state( Libya)beginning what the open minded people believe will be yet another mass slaughter of innocent civilians. What is obvious to all but the most duped and apathetic is that once again we have another war launched by the imperialist powers thinly veiled as a “humanitarian intervention”, backed by an arm twisted UN resolution, dressed up as a mission of peace driven by the use of heavy bombardment and murder, where the truth lies diametrically opposed to the propaganda being pushed by the castrated capitalist mainstream media. Nothing is what it seems; the lies and deceptions are far dangerous than the world may have thought.

The similarities with Iraq go well beyond the date of the opening salvo indeed, there are many consistencies between the current aggressive attack on Libya and numerous other military interventions and acts of aggression carried out by the US, NATO and their criminal allies in recent years.

Largely fabricated case for humanitarian intervention based on violence stoked by special forces troops and CIA,MI6 covert operations inside Libya, with the consistent demonization of the leader recast as a mass murdering tyrant to justify a heavy saturation bombing campaign in the name of human rights and justice. Any historical context that might cast the so-called “Allies” in a negative light for instance large-scale sale of weapons to the new enemy figure is carefully omitted from the narrative.

The imperialist aggressors are specifically responsible for the deaths of over a million civilians in Iraq and more than 70,000 in Afghanistan, which are downplayed by the term collateral damage.

The so called United Nations was formed by the nations that joined together against Germany in the Second World War. These countries formed a body called the Security Council, made themselves permanent members and granted themselves the power of veto ,such action is autocratic and illegal by democratic standard. The rest of the world were not part of that process during that time. The United Nations was formed in line with those three countries. That happened in the absence of some 165 countries, that is, one country was present and eight were absent.

If a country, like Libya for instance, were to exhibit military aggression against France or the United states, then the entire Organization would respond because France or the US is a sovereign State Member of the United Nations and the entire UN share the collective responsibility to protect the sovereignty of all nations. However, 65 aggressive wars have taken place since the formation of the UN without any United Nations action to prevent them.

Eight other massive, deadly wars, whose victims number some two to three million civilians, have been waged by Member States that enjoy veto powers (US,Britain,France,Russia). Those countries that would want other countries to believe they seek to maintain the sovereignty and independence of peoples actually use military aggressive force against other sovereign states who are also member of the UN. Why would an open minded person believe that these aggressors want to work for peace and security of the world? Instead they have resorted to aggressive wars and hostile behaviour. The US,Britian,France,Russia with the exception of China who was unanimously granted membership through UN voting process enjoy the veto they granted themselves as permanent members of the Security Council.
This intervention is illegal by all standard.

The so called military intervention "constitutes a gross manipulation" of the United Nations (UN) Charter and of the authority of the UN Security Council, and shows the "double standards which characterize its behaviour."It is highly illegal from a realistic point of view.

The "UN Resolution adopted by the Security Council does not authorize in any way these attacks on Libyan territory, which constitutes a violation of the international law,it is illegal by all standard. The war mongering cliq carrying out the military attacks against Libyan territory "have already started causing death, injury and suffering to innocent Libyans and other civilian infrastructures.

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