Dr.Shabbir Ali Khan
We are now living in what has been called the Age of
Synthetic Terror. In contrast to the corporate media line,
"terrorism" is the brainchild and product of western intelligence
Its purpose is to fome...nt domestic anger at Muslims in order to justify a program of
a) invasion of sovereign nations,
b) seizure of their oil resources,
c) mass murder designed to look like sectarian violence,
d) establishing permanent military bases and e) the installation of puppet governments in the countries so affected.
It follows that the mass murder of 9/11, blamed on
Arab/Muslim patsies, was but the opening scene of a drama that lead to the
murder of hundreds of thousands.
Sooner or
later, the never-ending announcements of ‘plots’ discovered or advance notice
of ‘terrorist attacks’ that come to nothing, will cease to have the desired
effect of terrifying the populace. It’s more than possible that 911, Anthrax
attacks et al, are in fact, manufactured by the ruling elites themselves in
order to justify increased repression at home and the overthrow of the
international order.
Finally, as it’s unlikely that the ‘international terror network’ will ever be
uncovered, as it’s not at all clear that it actually exists anyway, at least
not in the way it’s described in the propaganda war, the imperialist agenda is
bound to unravel. It is after all, taking place in the context of a global
crisis that encompasses the economy, political legitimacy and the impending
environmental catastrophe, which unless confronted on a global level threatens
us all.
As time passes, it will be harder and harder to hide the reality of our
situation. Lies and propaganda have a finite lifetime. Sooner or later, they
will cease to work, as the underlying reality replaces the illusions.
10 Years After 9/11, Is America A Better Place?
Is America a better place now that the FBI can demand to see your cellphone data whenever it wants?
Is America a better place now that the FBI can demand to see your cellphone data whenever it wants?
Is America a better place now that the Patriot Act allows the federal
government to sec...retly conduct surveillance on innocent American citizens,
monitor the electronic communications of innocent American citizens and conduct
warrantless searches of the homes of innocent American citizens?
Is America a better place now that the federal
government has a "secret interpretation" of the Patriot Act that they
won't even release to the general public? How can we possibly follow their
rules if they won't even tell us what they are expecting of us?
Is America a better place when the federal
government is so paranoid that it feels that it must issue "talking
points" instructing government officials what to say about the 10th
anniversary of 9/11?
Is America a better place when young schoolchildren
in New Jersey are being taught to snitch on their classmates and police are
being used to crack down on "bullying activity" in public schools?
Is America a better place when the federal
government is so paranoid that they spend millions of dollars encouraging us
all to spy on one another? The "If You See Something, Say Something"
campaign looks like it could have been pulled right out of an East German
security handbook.
Is America a better place when you must submit a
"crop plan" and have your garden inspected by bureaucrats before you
can participate in certain farmers markets?
Is America a better place when people living in
this country can be labeled "enemy combatants" just for uploading
videos to YouTube?
Is America a better place now that invisible
"pain ray" weapons are being used in American prisons?
Is America a better place now that state police in
some areas of the country are using "extraction devices" to download
data from the cellphones of motorists that they pull over?
Is America a better place now that LRAD sound
cannons are being used to break up college block parties?
Is America a better place now that local police
forces all over the country have been federalized and militarized?
Is America a better place now that local police feel empowered to beat people until they are unrecognizable all in the name of maintaining "law and order"?
Is America a better place now that local police feel empowered to beat people until they are unrecognizable all in the name of maintaining "law and order"?
Is America a better place now that police officers
are patrolling the halls of our public schools and are beating up our kids?
Is America a better place now that little children all over the country are being publicly arrested by police in their own classrooms and are being marched out of their schools in handcuffs?
Is America a better place now that children are being herded like cattle into mass vaccination centers?
Is America a better place now that little children all over the country are being publicly arrested by police in their own classrooms and are being marched out of their schools in handcuffs?
Is America a better place now that children are being herded like cattle into mass vaccination centers?
Is America a better place now that the U.S. Department
of Agriculture is spending huge amounts of money to install surveillance
cameras in the cafeterias of public schools all over the nation so that
government control freaks can closely monitor what our children are eating?
Is America a better place now that lemonade stands run by young children all over the nation are being shut down by police?
Is America a better place now that large numbers of security cameras have gone up in nearly every major U.S. city?
Is America a better place now that lemonade stands run by young children all over the nation are being shut down by police?
Is America a better place now that large numbers of security cameras have gone up in nearly every major U.S. city?
Is America a better place now that authorities will
pull you over for having the "wrong" political bumper sticker on your
Is America a better place now that the FDA is employing elaborate entrapment schemes against producers of raw milk?
Is America a better place now that FBI surveillance teams regularly employ warrantless GPS tracking to monitor the movements of peaceful activists - even if they are not suspected of ever committing a crime?
Is America a better place now that the NSA gathers an amount of information on all of us equivalent to the entire Library of Congress every six hours?
Is America a better place now that the FBI definition of "suspicious activity" includes making "extreme religious statements" and believing in "radical theology"?
Is America a better place now that the FDA is employing elaborate entrapment schemes against producers of raw milk?
Is America a better place now that FBI surveillance teams regularly employ warrantless GPS tracking to monitor the movements of peaceful activists - even if they are not suspected of ever committing a crime?
Is America a better place now that the NSA gathers an amount of information on all of us equivalent to the entire Library of Congress every six hours?
Is America a better place now that the FBI definition of "suspicious activity" includes making "extreme religious statements" and believing in "radical theology"?
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